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Breast Cysts - Fibrocystic Breasts
I Used to Have Cysts in my Breast
I use to have cysts in my breast that were very painful and uncomfortable, but they seem to be gone, or are very small I don’t feel anything anymore. Several years ago, and for a few years I always had to do both a mammogram and an ultrasound. Then when I started using Progestelle, the cysts were so small I never felt them, and all I had to do was the mammogram. I stopped using it, and back they came, so I started using it again. When I changed to a new radiologist for my mammogram last October and sent all my previous year’s results to them, they wanted me to go back for an ultrasound also. They said everything was benign, they did not see any problem. I think they just wanted the extra $200+, so I am seriously thinking about skipping the mammogram for a couple of years. I am doing great with the Progestelle.
Thank you,
Donna T.
Arnaudville, LA
July 18, 2013
The Only One I Have Found with No Questionable Ingredients! PMS Better, Cramps Better, No More Cystic Breasts
By far the best progesterone out there! Two ingredients...(fractionated) coconut oil and USP progesterone. It absorbs into the skin very nicely so I just use it right when I get out of the shower....just during my luteal phase. It has drastically reduced my awful cramps from 2-3 days of hell to 1-2 days of hell. My PMS is so much better. My breasts no longer get cystic. My skin is clearing up even though I notice it is oilier in general during my luteal phase. I try to follow the doctor’s recommendations as best as possible without losing my mind and after 5 months of using this I can honestly say it helps and I am scared to stop using it. Good luck to you all!
December 12, 2014
I'm Doing Better. Fibrocystic Breast Disease Much Improved. PMS Greatly Reduced.
Thank you!
I'm doing better. I started the Progestelle in December after being diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease (like around 30 small cysts were found in addition to one really huge one which tipped me off). I strictly followed your booklet's guidelines and threw out all sources of chemicals - makeup, laundry detergent, toothpaste, shampoo, etc. - changed my diet entirely to organic and raw foods, eliminated coffee (boo hoo) and sugars and other high-glycemic foods, switched entirely to grass-fed beef and other non-toxic meats, and stopped pumping my body full of soy and flax and disruptive oils (switching completely to virgin expeller-pressed coconut oil) etc., and the large lump is no longer palpable, although when I press where it was, there is pain sometimes (like now, at 11 days after my period). Before changing my lifestyle, in the two weeks before my period, my breasts would start to swell and become huge until menstruation, and now there is only pain in my right underarm which radiates into the right breast (the one that had the huge lump) a few days before menstruation.
PMS has been greatly reduced to one day just before menstruation, and sometimes not even that, although after dosing with Progestelle at full-strength for four months, last month I'd reduced it to the maintenance dose and exposed myself for a week or so to a moisturizer that was all organic ingredients but contained safflower oil, and I ate quite a bit super-dark chocolate and peanut butter, which I hadn't had for four months, and the PMS definitely worsened: my breasts both became swollen although not to the degree they had been, my skin broke out and I felt irritable, aggressive and depressed; it was so sharply noticeable that it felt like a memory of a completely different phase of my life and drove home the point that my body had indeed changed, so this month I will return to applying the full dose (and have had less chocolate).
I'm a bit concerned about the pain in my underarm, but anticipate it's eventual correction since your booklet said it could take years for the body to fully rebalance. Any advice?
Audra D., New York, New York
May 14, 2007
Oh, My Weight, Two Months Ago was 145 Pounds and Now I am 130 Pounds. Moods are So Much Better. Breast Pain Gone.
I have to go to work but wanted to send a quick email to tell you what a difference this has made in my life.
The first month I had to stop taking and eliminate some more products from my life. The second month though has been going great! I only drink water and some juices now and have purchased both olive oil soap from Elysian Dream and the laundry detergent from Nature it! I am having somewhat tender breasts now (this week) and think that it may be due to the oncoming menstrual cycle. Anyway....the other differences I have experienced are incredible. My mood is so much, even keel and feeling great! Also I have lost 15 pounds in two (2) months without even really trying (this was not something intentional). I still eat the same amount...only now I eat better. The extra fat around my waste line is leaving and almost gone. I am 39 years old and have struggled with monthly issues and breast pain for quite some time. This year the breast pain was becoming extremely severe and my doctor didn't really have any answers. Also a couple lumps were found on my mammogram (diagnosed as cysts). I will write more later to you about this but must leave for work now. Oh, my weight, two months ago was 145 pounds and now I am 130 pounds (had to purchase new clothes). I am getting my body back and my skin has cleared up and my hair feels great (It seemed as though my hair kept thinning and now it has stopped in that I don't seem to have as much falling out when I run my fingers through it). Why don't more people know about this! I have begun telling everyone I know, that will listen.......
Thank you for having your website and sharing this news,
Port Richey, FL
I just placed my second order this morning.
Nov. 29, 2007
Hot Flashes are Gone. I Have No Problem Sleeping! And the Cyst in My Right Breast is Gone.
Before using Progestelle, I was having hot flashes about every 2 hours. I was irritable and unable to sleep, thus leaving me totally exhausted. Once I did get to sleep, like clockwork I woke at approximately 2:00 a.m. every morning with hot flashes that I had to throw the covers off. Frequently, I just felt like I wanted to crawl out of my body. I also had a cyst in my right breast.
Now after using Progestelle for about 1.5 months, the hot flashes are gone. I have no problem sleeping and actually have a peaceful sleep, no more 2:00 a.m. hot flashes. My emotional state is more grounded. And the cyst in my right breast is gone.
Dr. Eckhart, I can't thank you enough for your product. I'm also taking magnesium and a B complex as you recommended. Working on eliminating the xenoestrogens and keeping and maintaining positive relationships.
Janice G.
Kailua, Hawaii June 16, 2008
It Did Wonders! PMS, Cramps, Fibrocystic Breasts, Headaches Gone!
Your product has been a great help the few years I've been using it. When I first started using it, I had been having bad P.M.S., cramps and many cysts in my breasts. I got off parabens for the most part and started using the oil. It did wonders! My husband couldn't even tell when I was about to start. Hormone Headaches and profuse underarm sweating were a thing of the past and very light if any hot flashes in the night or breast tenderness.
My question is: I am almost 49 and the past couple of years have had a "regular cycle of 25 days then a break through period two weeks later, then 25 days and two weeks later, etc. My periods were pretty light, lasting maybe 3-4 days. The past few months, they started getting heavier/longer and in January I had a very heavy one lasting over a week. Now this month I was supposed to start on the 10th but have not had a period yet. I usually stop applying the oil the day I start and then wait 8-12 days before applying it again. When should I start/stop applying the oil if I don't have a period? I'm assuming this is part of the menopause process, but want to apply the oil at the proper time to get the most benefit. Thank you for your time,
Kim H.
March 17, 2009
Marietta, Georgia
Editor's Note:
Periods becoming heavier indicates a xenoestrogen or phytoestrogen in your environment. Get rid of it and the problem will go away.
I am Happy to Report a Huge Relief of Breast & Ovarian pain from Cysts.
Dear Dr. Eckhart,
I am now into my third month on natural progesterone, avoiding xeno & phyto estrogens as much as possible, and taking the recommended supplements as per your suggestions in the little blue booklet .
I am happy to report a huge relief of breast & ovarian pain from cysts. Two months ago I could not even lay on my side or stomach. Now there is no problem. The endometrial pain I have suffered with for 10 years is greatly diminished, I feel clearer in my thinking, my energy is coming back, my hair is indeed getting thicker, and I am feeling a new joy in life and very hopeful of even more improvements to come.
Considering that half my life was consumed with endometrial pain (from ovulation, until menstruation), combined with horrible PMS (which I just thought was NORMAL until I read your literature!) I NOW have an extra 2 weeks every month that I can actually function like a normal person rather than being curled up in bed with pain & exhaustion written all over my face.
Please feel free to use my experience in any of your product promotion. I am starting a grass-roots movement to share my experiences with xeno-estrogens to educate other women, and would like to know if you have literature you would like me to pass out when I have my first meeting. I am sharing simply my own experience, but I will definitely be telling them about Progestelle and your research.
Your work is amazing and important, and I want to thank you from myself and from the many women you have helped and will help due to your fantastic research for a new opportunity to live without pain, keeping our ovaries and learning proactively how to take charge of our own health.
With heart felt thanks,
Cindy H.
Sarasota, FL
Aug 28, 2009
The Tenderness is Greatly Improved and the Pain All but Gone. “Bubble Wrap” around the Middle Improved. Sleep Better.
Dr Eckhart,
I was told a couple of years ago that I had polycystic breast disease. The cysts had been increasing in number and size over about 8 years. They didn't bother me until about a year ago. One Cyst became very obvious, and I had it aspirated and tested. Last summer, I started having very uncomfortable pain and tenderness in the areas of the cysts. I was also experiencing common symptoms of estrogen dominance.
I am now 49. In researching, I came across your information and made some changes. I have eliminated a lot of the xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens and been using Progestelle since September. The tenderness is greatly improved and the pain all but gone. I no longer have fluctuations in my energy level and I have been able to loose some of my "bubble wrap" abound my middle. I sleep better, focus better, and just don't feel so old and tired. I have followed your plan of one ounce for three months and then reducing the dosage, and am beginning my 5th month now. I will continue to use Progestelle.
Thank You.
Lenee T.
Jan. 6, 2010
Prosser, WA
Breast cysts and Menstrual Cramps Cured, Menstrual One sided migraine headache Improving!
Dear Sir,
I have used your product for two months and my symptoms are greatly improved. The cysts were gone after 3 weeks, but returned just before my period with much less force, then gone after 2 days, monthly bloating and mood swings is much improved, cramping is almost gone, periods went from 21 days to 25, and best of all my libido is back as strong as ever. My husband is as thankful as I am. My one sided migraine headaches are better, not as severe, but I am hoping they will soon be gone. They were so bad I had blood in my eyes and face afterwards. The first month after your product the menstrual one sided migraine headache was barely there but lasted 2 days, the 2nd month I forgot and ate oregano and had a hard one but not near as bad as I have in the past, and it was gone the next day.
I just ordered more and I am hoping things will continue to get better.
My 8yr old daughter has been avoiding everything on your list, but so far there is no improvement. I got rid of everything beauty product wise, and I am trying to see that she gets the right foods, but with other people giving her things, when I'm not there, it's hard.
Thank you for your product, and the info.
Laura H., Wilson, Oklahoma
Breast Cysts and Ovarian Cysts Improving
Dr. Eckhart - your product has produced marked results in my case, I was on a path to increased cysts in my breast, ovarian cysts and other problems, in a downward spiral headed towards what I believe would have been an RX nightmare should I have gone to a traditional MD at that time. Now, things are definitely on the right track, reduced lumpiness, much relieved extreme tenderness (now only a little in the right breast, and I keep wondering if it is the right one because I tend to sleep on that side due to my nose etc. I wonder if fluids tend to flow to that side then.) I have not experienced an ovarian cyst and delayed cycle in quite some time (which happened quite often) and when the ovarian cysts did finally go, they created a endometriosis belly ache scenario that would last for a few days.
Not happening now, I'm sure thanks to Progestelle.
I am still guilty of not surrendering coffee yet! I have reduced my intake to just mornings instead of morning, afternoon and late afternoon. I have also tossed out a whole grocery bag of paraben-laden lotions, soaps, shampoos etc. That has been a bit of work, but fun to discover (just found at Walmart a brand called Nightingale Naturals, 100% paraben free is one of their focuses. Inexpensive and great stuff.) I do hope with final adjustments and a couple more months of Progestelle that I will resolve this problem, but still need to make other "adjustments" that I am aware of :(
One question - I do see a traditional doctor next week for a delayed annual check-up, I'm sure he will hound me for a mammogram at age 41 (which my husband is really against!). How do you feel about those? From what I've read, women with dense breasts make for a difficult read anyhow (I had one 2 years ago and it did show breast density) - that DMIST machines are the only ones reliable etc. with less exposure time. Curious your opinion on that - also I hate for them find a lump and want to biopsy when it just might go away etc. What do your other patients encounter? I have read online, maybe at some of your resources, that many women (including some friends) undergo dozens of biopsies for nothing at all. The new MD I will see seems to be open to alternatives, and I will tell him what I'm doing - hope he respects that (he is supposedly very well rated for "caring" and personal choice). I also expect him to question the thickness of my uterine linings (I have 2 uteruses) as sometimes one thickens, last time I was put on Provera or one of those (and I hated it!). I do hope for more time and adjustments before they try to do anything - I think traditional medicine does more damage than good sometimes.
In result - keep up your good works to spark women onto better health by taking control and making decisions. That is fantastic. Thanks for all you do and your advice. Your e-patient.
Michelle M. Two Rivers, Wisconsin
Editors note: For Mammogram advice read, “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer” by John Lee, MD.
Follow up:
Hello Dr. Eckhart,
Just a quick note - I received my package, thank you very much. Just had my check-up, new GYN, thought you'd be interested to hear results. Explaining my use of Progestelle, I handed your booklet over to him, while asking if he was familiar with the term "estrogen dominance". He replied yes, while thumbing through your booklet. Then he looked up at me and said - this is good stuff, use it. He commented all the info., such as diet, seemed to be there and if I was following it - I was doing all the right things to help myself. Upon examination, he was very pleased to note that the left breast is practically fibro-free while the right breast has significant reduction in cysts in just two months application (and one month prior elimination of parabens). One particular pea sized lump is virtually gone. He then exclaimed "Keep using this product - it's working." About the mammogram, he was very respectful of my desire to avoid one (and I did start reading Dr. Lee's book and see why) - so he simply remarked "be certain to know and check each month - call me immediately with any change."
I was very surprised, hope you find this interesting. I told my husband, I distinctly picked up on a look my doctor had on his face - sort of a "I can't believe I can't recommend this stuff ... or maybe "I can't believe I prescribe dangerous drugs instead because of the FDA etc. etc." Something of sick look. Interesting.
Thanks for all you do - and for most of all - caring for your e-patients. One last thing - in the case of we breast cyst patients, one of our BIGGEST frustrations is learning to self-exam when so many lumps make it so hard to figure out what's what. Any recommendations on that?? I still cannot feel certain that cyst lumps are just as such - though the doctor assured me they felt just like the regular cysts.
Thanks again!
~Michelle M. Two Rivers, Wisconsin
Breast Pain Away
I've told many people about my experience. I would add that I first sought help from my gynocologist who told me I had cysts in my breasts and that it would only get worse with time. The only advice she gave me was to stay away from caffeine. Needless to say, I did not accept that and looked for alternatives. I am diligent about staying away from parabens and have decreased or eliminated most household chemicals. I do stay away from caffiene as it does aggravate the situation, I follow a vegetarian diet that includes whole soy foods, take a multiple vitamin supplement, sea weed capsules daily, and get daily exercise. The initial pain that sent me to the doctor was so bad that I couldn't decided which was worse - wearing a bra or not wearing one! I do get occasional tenderness now but only if I do not follow my typical regimen. I will add that not following the regimen even for a few days results in mild tenderness. I have also been able to decrease my thyroid medication as well.
When I first started, I had a lot of breast pain. Within a few months, it almost entirely went away. I still get some occasional pain, but it is minor.
Maggi P., Clearwater, Florida
Feeling Better, No Sugar Cravings, Breast Cysts are Disappearing! Panic Attacks!
Hello Dr. Eckhart: I just had to email and tell you how Progestelle has changed my life. I am a 59 year old wife, mom and grandma who takes care of 4 grandchildren 3-4 days per week - a 6 year old girl, two 4 year old girls and an 18 month old boy.
One month ago, I was ready to give up. Every morning I would wake up and convince myself to make it one more day. I would plod through the day waiting for the kids to go home, dinner to be over so I could bury myself in my hobby of cross stitching where all you have to do is count! I would go to bed plagued with panic attack dreams just to wake up in the morning to convince myself to make it another day.
I had started seeing doctors about 3 years ago for Panic Attacks - their suggestion (and prescription) was Zanax and Atenolol - which was for my prehypertension (caused from the panic attack I was having at the doctor's office). My heart had been sonogrammed and EKG'd and was said to be fine. Although no one told me what to do about the panic attacks except for drugs, I researched and learned how to help myself during an attack - especially those that were started from dreams. I must say, I am actually pretty good at stopping them now. Then there are the doctors that want to cut out the cysts in my breast lumps in my breasts which again I said no to. To make a long story short, not one doctor has given me any information that could have helped me either with the panic attacks, prehypertension that happens only when I'm in a panic attack (usually from the doctor!), or the lumps.
Then I found your website by searching for info on cysts in my breast - information gives you the power to overcome! That was one month ago.
Today, I must say to you "thank you for giving me my life back". After the second day of using Progestelle, I woke up and thought "I can do this". Now I wake up every day happy to greet the day and see my grandchildren and look forward to playing with them and teaching them. My life has changed so much - I am excited about each new day, no panic attacks for a month, I'm losing the belly fat, I AM LAUGHING AGAIN! I am amazed at the lack of desire for sugar. I can look at something sweet and think 'yuck'. (I think I was using sugar to get me through the day.) Having a bit of trouble getting rid of the cup of coffee but am working on that! The lumps in my breasts are getting smaller. By the way, my husband says 'thank you' too - we've been married 26 years and he's 14 years younger than I and happy to see me return to the world of the living. We are having fun together again.
Thank you, thank you -
Dona R. Spokane, WA
Editor Notes: John Lee, MD has written in his book, "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause" that Estrogen Dominance causes the copper levels to increase. When copper levels get too high, this may cause mood swings and panic attacks according to John Lee, MD. Estrogen Dominance means too much Estrogen. This excess estrogen is coming from chemicals and herbs that mimic estrogen. These chemicals and herbs that mimic estrogens are known as xenoestrogens. These xenoestrogens do NOT appear on the hormone test. The main route of entry of these xenoestrogens is through the skin. Many cosmetics and toiletries contain xenoestrogens.
The solution is simple.
Simply use safe cosmetics and toiletries that we list on our "purple sheet". Buy any product from us and get a "purple sheet" of recommended products. Progesterone can be used to balance out small amounts of weak xenoestrogens only. I looked through 500 shampoos and only found 3 that were ok.
Cysts in Breasts Gone!
I have been wanting to contact you personally to thank you. I began having mammograms at age 38. My first baseline mammogram. I am 43 now. I went through numerous mammograms, extra views, appointments with surgeons. I had to go to the hospital at least 3 times to have cysts aspirated. I had a lot of anxiety. My family doctor just told me to get used to it because of my cysts in my breast . He said I would have to have numerous cysts aspirated and follow up views because of my . Well, I didn't accept that, and I went on line and researched and found your web site. I decided to try the progestelle oil. I started using that when again I had another 6cm cyst. Within 3 months it was gone. I had a completely normal mammogram 6 months later. I will continue to use your product until I reach menopause. I thank you from the bottom of my heart not to go through all those extra tests. Thank you so much for the work that you do.
Your friend, Jodi W.
Cysts In My Breast Gone!
I'm a 33 yr old Hispanic female who 5 yrs ago had surgery removing 2 cysts in my breast that were causing me a lot of pain. My OB/GYN suggested I go this particular surgeon she recommended. The surgeon's recommendation was surgery to remove the cysts in my breast. I now have a scar around my nipple that is a continuous reminder of the biggest mistake I have ever made due to lack of information and relying on physician's opinion. NEVER DID THEY MENTION THE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY YOU.
Several months ago, another fibrocyst formed in the same breast I had surgery on. I must have cried for a week and was depressed knowing I would have to have surgery again because this cyst was bigger & more painful. I kept ignoring it until I said to myself, "there's got to be another way to get rid of this". So, I researched the Internet and read and read. I'm so thankful to have found everything I needed to know about cysts in my breast on your web site as well as the remedy for getting rid of cysts.
mfraga11 @ has graciously offered to talk to anyone about progesterone and breast cysts.
My Cysts in My Breast Have Improved
Also, I want to say that since I started Progestelle ® in June (it is now Nov. 2001), the cysts in my breast in my breasts have improved. Sometimes they flare up if I eat too much chocolate/caffeine/estrogenic herbs, etc., but they are slowly shrinking. I also feel that my dysthymia/irritability have improved. I haven't lost any weight yet but my MD says that's usually the last thing to correct. Your web site has been so valuable to me. I've also stopped using all lotions/cosmetics containing paraben, boy has *that* been challenging, but well worth it, as I had ovarian cancer in 1988 and want to improve my chances against breast cancer as much as possible.
Thank you for being part of my solution.
Menstrual Cycle Normalized! No more cramping!
I'm not sure if you remember having talked to me, so I'll try to refresh your memory: I was the one who had sent you my medical form, stating how I had been in a traumatic bicycle accident 11 years ago at age 23, having been literally run over by a truck. And, I spoke to you on the phone.
You had told me to inform you about how Progestelle ® is working for me, after a few months of taking it. Here goes:
My sleep improved the first night of using it. Plus, my debilitating cramping has reduced more and more each month. I just began menstruating today, and so far, no cramps at all. My cycle has lengthened, also. Usually it is every 21 days. This month I started on the 26th day -- amazing!
I'm no longer taking Armour thyroid. I weaned myself off of it quick, because I had only been on it 2 months. I'll let you know if my thyroid level is in the normal range as soon as I find out my blood test result. My doctor's office is supposed to call me in less than an hour to tell me.
I used to get cysts in my breast a week before starting. Now, I don't.
Editor's Note: FSH and Free T3 were normal.
Vanessa I.
Feeling Better and Breast Cysts Are Disappearing
Hello Dr. Eckhart:
I just had to email and tell you how Progestelle has changed my life. I am a 59 year old wife, mom and grandma who takes care of 4 grandchildren 3-4 days per week - a 6 year old girl, two 4 year old girls and an 18 month old boy.
One month ago, I was ready to give up. Every morning I would wake up and convince myself to make it one more day. I would plod through the day waiting for the kids to go home, dinner to be over so I could bury myself in my hobby of cross stitching where all you have to do is count! I would go to bed plagued with panic attack dreams just to wake up in the morning to convince myself to make it another day.
I had started seeing doctors about 3 years ago for Panic Attacks - their suggestion (and prescription) was Zanax and Atenolol - which was for my prehypertension (caused from the panic attack I was having at the doctor's office). My heart had been sonogrammed and EKG'd and was said to be fine. Although no one told me what to do about the panic attacks except for drugs, I researched and learned how to help myself during an attack - especially those that were started from dreams. I must say, I am actually pretty good at stopping them now. Then there are the doctors that want to cut out the cysts in my breast, lumps in my breasts, which again I said no to. To make a long story short, not one doctor has given me any information that could have helped me either with the panic attacks, prehypertension that happens only when I'm in a panic attack (usually from the doctor!), or the lumps.
Then I found your website by searching for info on cysts in my breast - information gives you the power to overcome! That was one month ago.
Today, I must say to you "thank you for giving me my life back". After the second day of using Progestelle, I woke up and thought "I can do this". Now I wake up every day happy to greet the day and see my grandchildren and look forward to playing with them and teaching them. My life has changed so much - I am excited about each new day, no panic attacks for a month, I'm losing the belly fat, I AM LAUGHING AGAIN! I am amazed at the lack of desire for sugar. I can look at something sweet and think 'yuck'. (I think I was using sugar to get me through the day.) Having a bit of trouble getting rid of the cup of coffee but am working on that! The lumps in my breasts are getting smaller. By the way, my husband says 'thank you' too - we've been married 26 years and he's 14 years younger than I and happy to see me return to the world of the living. We are having fun together again.
Thank you, thank you,
Dona R - Spokane, WA
Bye Breast Cyst
Dear Dr. Eckhart,
You asked me to let you know how I've done after 2 to 3 months on your program. I can best sum it up in one word -- WOW!
I avoided xenoestrogens for one month prior to starting the Progestelle in November. In December I started taking Twin Labs vitamin B-100, vitamin E, and magnesium.
Within just 2 weeks of applying the Progestelle, my hot flashes totally disappeared and my night sweats were reduced by 90%. I still have occasional night sweats when I have very vivid/active dreams, but I can deal with this compared to being awakened several times a night from hot flashes and/or night sweats (not to mention the hot flashes had become almost continuous during the day).
Perhaps more importantly, the breast cyst that the surgeon aspirated in late September and that had already started to fill with fluid again in October began to reduce in size within the first month of applying the Progestelle. I am not able to palpate it at all now.
My periods are still quite irregular, which has made it a bit of a challenge to know when to apply the Progestelle. I had a period last week, after just having one the first week of January. My last period prior to that was at the end of September 2005. Unfortunately, the periods are still accompanied by a severe headache, but I am hopeful that this symptom will also disappear in time.
I did have an interesting experience in December. One day I foolishly gave in and ate a rather large square of homemade double-chocolate brownie. The next day I not only had a headache and nausea, but I also had intense pain in my breast where the cyst had been. I learned a valuable lesson, and I have no desire to repeat the experience!
I am so appreciative that you have shared your wisdom and that you offer such a great product in your Progestelle. As you well know, the root of the word "doctor" comes from the Latin "to teach." You have done just that, and have thereby allowed me to regain my health and quality of life. I cannot thank you enough.
Given the opportunity, I am sharing my experience with other women. I will keep you posted on my progress.
Take care and God bless,
Claudia M - Richland, Washington
Relief From A 20 Year Old Breast Cyst
To whom it may concern:
I have suffered with severe pain in my left breast due to cysts in my breast for more than 20 years. Doctors have told me to give up chocolate, caffeine and limit my salt intake, all with no affect. Then they put me on male hormones that cost more than $50.00 a pill, with again, no relief. Out of desperation I turned to the internet to research my problem. The pain had reached the point where I wanted to have my breast removed. Fortunately, I found your website through a number of links. I followed the instructions and quit using most of the beauty products contain the parabens and started using your oil. Within a week I had relief, the pain had lessened to a tolerable point. Since the first month I have been mostly pain free. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!! It would not be an exaggeration to say that this oil has changed my life.
Lorann G.
The Cyst is Gone!
Hi Peter,
My girlfriend has been using the progesterone for 2-3 months now along with the appropriate vitamins to combat a 'cyst' in one of her breasts. She has 'dense' breasts as well. She went for her mamo this Monday past and the 'cyst' is gone, they said come back in a year! Would the progesterone work that fast? (I hope so!) Would she be able to expect the dense breasts to return to normal with extended use as well?
Also, didn't you write/say that the progesterone would also increase a woman's libido? Hers has certainly gone up!
Thanks again,
Jay H - Rocklin, California
Mar. 15, 2010
Editor's Note: If she is really good about her avoidance list, she may not need progesterone after several months. Estrogen Dominance decreases sex drive, adding progesterone boosts sex drive. Dense breast tissue should return to normal, if she is good with her avoidance list.
I Am So Happy And Grateful
I bought progestelle about two months ago for severe fibrocystic breasts. I have drastically made changes in line with your recommendations. I feel almost 100% better in just a few weeks. This is my second month using the product and about mid-way through my cycle (ovulation?) I had breakthrough bleeding. It was light red, more brown, not heavy amount and mostly in the morning for about three days. Now I am on day 32 of my cycle and have not gotten my period (I assure you I am not pregnant). Before progestelle my cycles would be close to 45 days. Last month I (blissfully...with no PMS) started my period on the 26th day of my cycle.
I have only been using one dropperful of progestelle before bed. Should I stop for a few days to see if my period begins? Do you think that "breakthrough bleeding" was my period? I usually have a very heavy amount of blood for five days. Will I be at risk for endometriosis if I don't get my period and "shed" that lining? I would appreciate your opinion on this! Thanks so much for all the information you have made available. Not a day goes by (not a minute) that I don't feel utter gratefulness for being pain-free. I just want to continue making positive decisions about my body. I can't help but wonder if it is hormonely confused right now!
My children have noticed me being pain-free. I couldn't hug them tight because my breasts would hurt so badly. Now they run up and give me long, bear hugs... I can play jump-rope with them (that used to hurt just thinking about). I am not on edge anymore. The progestelle has helped me be the person I really am (not jacked up on estrogen), I am relaxed and much more patient with everyone. I have more energy. I am so happy and grateful. But, most of all I am not fearful anymore. Being in pain is frightening and debilitating emotionally and physically. I have spent so much money trying to find a "cure" for fibrocystic breasts. The bulk of the work is up to me. I'm willing to do it now that I know what to do. And that little glass bottle of Progestelle is the most valuable thing in my house (besides my family!).
Laura G - Charles Town, Alabama
Oct. 16, 2009
I’m Already Experiencing Amazing Results
I'm two months into my xenoestrogen free lifestyle and already I'm experiencing amazing results. My cystic breast lumps have decreased in size, my breasts have become painless and soft, my periods are back to regular 28 day cycle with no bleeding & far less pain in-between periods, my moods have improved, my energy levels are increasing. I've decreased my long-term fear and anxiety. I feel great! I've taken the fibrovan and indole3carbinol for the last few weeks. Today I start on the progestelle and I am very excited to see how much more I will improve.
I cannot thank you enough. The information you provided in your little book is GOLD and inspired me to research more. I am now giving my three daughters hope for a healthy adulthood without the painful problems I have experienced for 12 years.
So, THANK YOU. I'll keep you posted on my progress.
Best regards,
Danielle C - Port Vila, Vanatu
Aug 12, 2009
Your Progesterone Has Been A “Miracle”
Your progesterone cream has been a "miracle" - no more fibrocystic breasts. My breast actually feel healthy! I am certain I have side stepped a future breast cancer diagnosis. I could not be happier! Thank you again.
ABSOLUTELY! You may publish my testimony. I could go on and on about the 'amazingness' of your product. If I had a magic wand I would have every woman that is estrogen dominate using your product. Then there would be a lot more happy women and we would see some real reduction of the statistics regarding breast cancer incidence. If only I had a magic wand....
With much gratitude,
Jacquelyn C - Chesterfield, MO
Jan. 31, 2009
Progestelle Eliminated My Breast Cysts And Menstrual Cramps
Progestelle is a very pure and strong product that comes with very thorough information on its use and health benefits, and they also offer and honor a great 2-for-1 price for your first time purchase, and monthly or bi-monthly automated shipping to replenish your supply without having to plan or shop. I have found it to be a much better and more effective natural progesterone product than any of the many different kinds of creams I've used over the last 4 years for peri-/pre-menopause support. It is only natural progesterone in a natural coconut oil base that is good for your skin and absorbs very quickly because it is formulated so that it is not the least bit greasy and leaves no oiliness to get on your clothes. All the "best" and much more expensive name brand progesterone creams have additives and unpleasant side effects that lead me to research other formulas and try Progestelle. What a difference! It has completely balanced out my emotions, and has eliminated my breast cysts and menstrual cramps that I was still experiencing when using progesterone creams religiously. Thank you so much for creating such a clean, effective product and information packet to help with the upheaval in hormones most women are going through! I am recommending it to all my friends.
Online Shopper
July 1, 2008
I Will Continue To Use It
I am in my 50's and when a tea bag size cyst in my breast (diagnosed to have a fibrocystic condition) was found, I began Progestelle. I removed caffeine from my diet and used Progestelle faithfully. In four months the cyst has decreased in size so that I can barely feel it. My hot flashes have diminished also. Will continue to use it.
Nancy W - Butler, Pennsylvania
Oct 15, 2007
Editors note: Usually, I have a faster response for fibrocystic breast disease. It may be that this patient still has some xenoestrogens in her environment that she is unaware of.
My Breast Cysts And Pain Have Totally Disappeared
I wanted to thank Dr. Eckart for many things. Well first of all, for his product Progestelle, which has changed my life. Before I started to use Progestelle, I had been experiencing hair loss for over 4 months, heavy bloating, lack of sex drive, and painful breast tenderness with some swollen cysts, heavy sinus congestion (difficult breathing) and sleeping problems and night anxiety, I did not know then that these are all symptoms of estrogen dominance.
For months I had been drinking lot of soy milk and other phyto-estrogens because I thought that they actually would help in these symptoms, and I was so confused, because my symptoms were actually getting worse.
I found this website and I finally started to learn about estrogen dominance, so I ordered Progestelle immediately, I started to use only between 1 and 2 droppers a day.
At first my symptoms got worse, except the breast tenderness, which seemed to improve immediately Dr. Eckart guided me with his advises and suggested that I first get rid of all xenoestrogens I was using, and stop eating all strong phytoestrogens included in his list, wait about a month then start Progestelle again.
I did do exactly so, it was easier than I thought, and I also started taking iodine, as the Doctor suggests, and it actually seemed to make me feel better already, then after 3 weeks I started to use Progestelle again on day 14.
This time, I started on a higher dose, to avoid delays or estrogen dominance reactions, I used 4 and half droppers a day this time, and already within 3 hours my anxiety was gone, I could breath normally, no shortness of breath at night, I could sleep like a baby, the day after my hair loss had totally stopped, my bloating was much less.
Within days the sex drive was back to normal, and my breast cysts and pain had totally disappeared. So I feel like a normal and healthy person again.
So thank you Dr. Eckhart.
But I also want to thank Dr. Eckhart for being so kind to me and to be so patient to reply to all of my emails and to provide so much professional guidance and solid advises that have proved to be all so valid and true and helped me to heal and change my life.
I am using Progestelle 14 days a month for now, and it seems that my cycle has become more regular than it was! I also wanted to add that if the dose you are using might seem to not work for you, do not get discouraged; it is a sign you need more. Everybody is different and we all react in different ways, so I would encourage to just increase the dose like I did, until it works and be committed to this life stye and it will get better!
It is hard to find doctors like Dr. Eckhart, who are very knowledgeable in this subject, and who have have been doing such a deep research on estrogen dominance symptoms, and especially who are able to provide such a large list of things that are dangerous to use and of the things that are safe to use!!
I canceled my next appointment with a local naturopath, I feel fine now and I rather invest my money instead in getting myself larger amounts of Progestelle, which I know it works!!
I can provide here my email if anybody would like to get in touch with me!
micinomiau @
Lena C - Portland, Oregon
March 13, 2012
Her Cyst Is Gone!
Dr. Eckhart,
I wanted to let you know that my sister had a ultra sound and her cyst is gone! She had hardly used the progestelle at all yet. Thanks so much for your help we really appreciate it and also being able to talk to you on the phone was a real help!
Monica W. - Vanderhoff, BC
June 25, 2011