Progestelle and Iodoral
Vomiting with Period
I was the Recipient of a 2nd Miracle, Dysmenorrhea, PMS, Vomiting Cured
Little did I know that this weekend I was the recipient of a 2nd Miracle, thanks to your information (which is more palatable to people as it is both biochemical/physical and at least somewhat studied). My 16 year old has probably had "dysmenorrhea" for years, but I didn't find out the official name until she spent hours vomiting one day last month. Her cycle has been for years: 5-7 days of PMS, 36-48 hour of bloating/gastrointestinal discomfort prior to onset, a rarely regular occurrence, -then- unbearable pain and discomfort, even on 800mg of ibuprofen (esp. given the eating necessary to actual take that OTC. I was told by one nurse "By the way, 800 mg ibuprofen is NOT "all drugged up!") My daughter's debilitated and non-functional even on 800 mg and -I- consider regular massive doses, even of OTCs, to be poison/"all drugged up"!!! She can't function to go to school, read or watch TV or even text!! The pain is a 10.
Vomiting and OTCs maybe okay with that nurse, but I went in search of answers. I digressed to something about PCOS because my 20 year old has that, although I thought it was dietary caused and cured--related to insulin and the glycemic index. ALLOWING MYSELF TO DIGRESS HERE SEEMS TO ADDRESS ALMOST EVERY PROBLEM OF ALL THE WOMEN IN MY FAMILY!!! After watching the videos and reading as much as possible, I realized lavender and stress caused my 80 year old aunt's severe male pattern baldness (wigs worn), undiagnosed PCOS and Severe Worrying (accepted as part of her "personality"). All of us are "barrels on stilts" 96.7-97.3 body temp, etc. My aunt and I have perceived thyroid issues but the tests always come back "normal". But I "knew" this estrogen-receptor stuff is the answer! I also expected MONTHS to see any results.
Although my fair-haired 16 year old has bathed in sunscreen for 75% of her life, it's winter, so her worst xeno-estrogen offender was make-up base. We got a powder ($27) and threw out chemical lotions (but they weren't used regularly). We added 3 supplements—Life Extension Cruciferous vegetable (including 14mg DIM and 80mg I3C), Swanson's Seaweed (400mcg iodine) and DIM 100mg. Claire already exercises and does yoga, but added walking the dog 15-20 minutes 5 days of the week (entertainment), and tried to eat a few extra servings of broccoli. She's been vegetarian for 5 years; we try to buy more and more organics, and she's more health-savvy than a normal teen, but she's a teenager, not a purist.
Saturday night, she asked me, while lusting over chocolate chip cookies in the grocery store, "Could I be PMSing?" I keep track because of my own post-menopausal sensitivities--my back will go out in response to -her- PMS! and said "Oh, sure, definitely." Sunday morning, she got up early and had cleaned while I was at exercise class. SHE HAD STARTED HER PERIOD THE NIGHT BEFORE!!!!!!!! I couldn't be happier!!! She had virtually NO warning! (My teeth had been hurting and I had a Tues. noon appt. for "a cavity". There was none! We were just blind-sided by the unheralded arrival of what has been practically a NON-EVENT of a monthly cycle. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!
We ordered Progestelle for my 20 year old's PCOS. She says if this works she will tell my (processed food eating, drugs cure all) sister that she MUST listen to 100% of what I say!
Here's the sad part--my Vigilant, organic-food-eating, non-paraben-sunscreen-using, even bar-soap-using niece, 70 pounds, age 9, has breast buds and hair :(((( I'm further educating my sister-in-law. I think our family might be pre-disposed to these receptor issues, -or- that there is some on/off gene activation involved that could explain why my 16 year old responded so profoundly and so quickly. I'm hoping she'll consider the above 3 supplements to "wake-up" either the gene or the receptor. Even if progesterone were a pre-pubescent option, I'm sure my sis-in-law wouldn't want to be that aggressive. But you've provided enough science, studies and MDs for her to consider these more innocuous seeming supplements. My 20 year old will begin just a few drops a day of Progestelle for her PCOS. If she's cured, you'll probably want me to promote for you. I'm already your devoted servant and word-of-mouth promoter, Teri R.
Terri R.
Feb 17, 2012
Denver, Colorado
Editor's note: Taking I-3-C or DIM before the age of 18 should be taken with caution in my opinion. I-3-C or DIM will decrease estradiol. In a woman before the age of 18, decreasing endogenous estradiol may not be the best idea. This is because the breast tissue has not matured yet. A young woman needs her endogenous estradiol to develop normally, and the levels should not be tampered with unless you really need to, in my opinion.
Using progesterone is a more conservative therapy because during a normal cycle, a woman produces 20-40 mg/day of progesterone. However, during one day of third trimester pregnancy a woman produces 400 mg/day of progesterone. A baby is bathed in progesterone. Also a young woman of 16 that does become pregnant is healthy (with good nutrition). In fact, women that are pregnant many times have a smaller chance of breast cancer and endometrial cancer.
Progesterone use is fairly safe - safer than many nutritional supplements.
Again, you are sick because you are unintentionally poisoning yourself with chemicals and herbs that mimic estrogen. If you cut out these xenoestrogens, then you get well. Progesterone is only a band aid.